Partnerships & Affiliations

In Good Company

In an effort to maintain the highest standards possible, Raywalt is associated with:


Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA)

Long-standing membership since 1971

The ARHCA is the largest heavy construction association in Canada. We represent contractors who work on the construction and rehabilitation of highways, municipal roads, bridges, sewer, and water projects, as well as the suppliers (such as equipment dealers, finance companies, aggregate suppliers, law firms, etc.), and consulting engineers who work with them. ARHCA member companies can also be found constructing streets, curbs and gutters, sewer and water systems, and other infrastructure for residential, commercial, oilfield, oil sands and forestry projects.


Edmonton Construction Association

Member since 2004 

ECA provides up-to-date information on construction procurement opportunities and industry activities for a membership of OVER 1,000, listed under the headings of General ContractorsTrade ContractorsManufacturers and Suppliers of Goods and Services to the Construction Industry.  Also included are Associate Members andA ffiliate Members.  ECA members are represented Federally by the Canadian Construction Association.


Merit Contractors Association

Merit Contractors Association provides the construction industry with benefits and benefit programs, industry specific training programs, employee education support, human resource tools and advocacy specifically related to open shop contractors.
We believe that success should be based on merit.


UDI Alberta (Urban Development Institution)

Member since 1994

The Urban Development Institute Alberta Division (UDIA) is a non-profit association that represents the land development industry at the provincial level.  With over 400 corporate members, UDI Alberta represent thousands of individuals involved in all facets of land development including: developers, property managers, financial lenders, lawyers, engineers, planners, architects, appraisers, real-estate professionals local governments, and government agencies.


ACSA – Alberta Construction Safety Association

Raywalt has been a member since 1998 and hold an audited COR certification

The membership of the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) consists of employers whose Alberta Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) account falls within participating Industry Codes. Funding for the ACSA is provided by the membership through an arrangement with the WCB.

The Mission of the Alberta Construction Safety Association is to provide quality advice and education for the construction industry that will reduce human suffering and financial costs associated with workplace incidents.