At Raywalt, we’re client driven. Everything from administration to final construction is based entirely on the idea that our clients are the most important people on the job. We understand that deadlines and budgets are tight; with a collaboration between our team and yours, we can meet and exceed expectations while upholding the highest safety and environmental considerations.
At Raywalt, we recognize talent and hard work. We foster an environment where hard work, innovation and loyalty are encouraged and appreciated. In fact, our executive leadership team moved up through Raywalt themselves. We take care of our team members with Merit benefits and a work/life balance that allows them to go home to their families at night. Our highly engaged and appreciated team allows us to remain client-driven.
At Raywalt, we believe in good business. We are leaders in our industry and focus on doing business ethically. We quote fairly, accurately and get the job done on time. We take on a small group of clients at a time as we know what we do well and stick to that. We build long-term relationships with our clients and nurture these partnerships. Our relationships with many charities reinforces our belief in community involvement for the benefit of all.
Raywalt has evolved into an industry leader over the last three decades. By our involvement in many technically challenging projects, our team has gained valuable experience that allows us to take on any project, regardless of the degree of difficulty. In addition to conventional open trench water and sewer piping installation, we have completed projects that included large diameter directional drilling, large diameter transmission main re-routing with line-stop bypasses, storm outfall installation into the North Saskatchewan River to name a few. We are often called upon by design engineers to offer insight and advice on challenging projects. There is no project that is too difficult for us to handle.